
All items that's up for sale in this blog is my own personal stuffs. Some are new but most of them has been used for couple of time. The items may have some defect (will be notify), thus not suitable for fussy buyer. Happy browsing and if you are interested, do not hesitate to buy. Thank you. :-)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Breastpump: Medela Freestyle - SOLD

I'm selling my hardly use, in great A+ condition Medela Freestyle (been using for less than 2 months), comes with all new accessories: intact in plastic (even the battery is new)- telling the truth, I've only used the motor.

Detail about the pump: Medela Freestyle.

All new

Retail price: USD370 (yup, I bought this pump in the State)
Selling price: RM950

No booking. Preferably COD buyers.


  1. salam neeza...

    wa...baru jek beli FS, awat tak habaq nak jual awai2...:(

  2. neezakenapa nak jual nih?? menarik nih... dah ada org minat ke??? i read your review.. you dais you love it.. so wonder why u r selling???

    compared to swing.. mana lebih senyap???

  3. mcm pernah baca your FS goes kluk kluk kluk.. is it still doing that?

    Kalau dah tak.. mmg rasa gatal nak beli.. my PISA sangat berat.. uhuksss

  4. hi everybody, the reason I wanna sell this Medela FS can be viewed here :

    hehehe.. :-)
